Home Creative Agency
For companies, drivers, business or self-employed owners and individuals. LLC - S Corp - 1099-Nec 1099-Misc - W2 - International taxes
Home Creative Agency
Advice and consultancy
We help you understand your taxes, beyond the numbers.
Home Creative Agency
We believe in your business
From LLC registration to accounting and book management.
Home Creative Agency
We support you in the payment
and management of payroll
Efficient payroll management service, guaranteeing accurate administration.

More than 30 years of Experience and Quality Services

With AC Plaza Tax you will be able to comply with the IRS laws and regulations in the United States.

Do you know how to generate savings on your taxes?


We help you create a clear vision of your business objectives, projecting them towards duplicatable models. We also manage to protect your idea/business through trademark and patent registrations, establishing solid foundations for expansive processes such as the implementation of franchises.

Aura Castro, CEO

Tax Strategist & Tax Planner

Member of the National Association of EA (Enrolled Agents) of New Jersey and California

Get to know our services:

Tax Planning / Tax Preparation / Tax Strategy

Before it’s time to prepare your tax returns, we will create a personalized tax strategy exclusively for you at AC Plaza Tax. We collect information about your homes, businesses, investments, and past tax returns, and use it to identify specific strategies that will limit your tax exposure.

With our tax planning services, you will always comply with regulations without paying more than necessary.

Service for companies, entrepreneurs, business owners, housewives, self-employed workers, Uber drivers and others.

– Online and In-Person Service

Register your LLC Company

We believe in entrepreneurship and new businesses, that is why we offer LLC company registration and also consulting and advice on implementing a profitable tax strategy appropriate to your field.

We advise you to be able to generate greater profitability in your businesses through accurate management and advice on the accounting and finances of your company. We advise you on correctly preparing and planning your taxes according to IRS regulations.

– Online Service

Estate Planning and Trusts

At AC Plaza Tax, we provide you with simple and effective solutions to insure your assets. Our estate planning ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, and our trust planning experience offers solid strategies to manage and protect your assets. From will writing to tax efficiency, we are here to simplify and secure your financial legacy.

– Online Service

Book Accounting

Bookkeeping involves recording your business’s daily transactions to track expenses, income, and tax deductions. At AC Plaza Tax, we specialize in maintaining detailed records of all business transactions, offering efficient bookkeeping services. We also provide installation and training in the use of QuickBooks to facilitate the financial management of your business.

– Online Service

Payroll Management

Our Full Service Payroll handles all payroll processing for you. This service includes:

– Payroll checks prepared and printed on time.

-Hassle free tax returns to the IRS and state, with EFTPS deposits.

– Clear and concise payroll tax reports every month, quarter and year, with easy-to-understand W-2, W-3 and 1099 forms.

– Detailed description of the accumulation of vacation, sick and personal days of your employees.

– Creation and presentation of reports for new employees.

– Online Service


We offer online accounting services that help businesses manage cash flows, analyze financial health and accounting records, and monitor overall business expenses. Every activity we perform as part of our outsourced accounting services guarantees new growth opportunities for the company.

We have the experience and knowledge so that you can rest assured growing your business.

– Online Service


At AC Plaza Tax, we understand the complexity of international taxes and offer specialized services for taxpayers in this area.

Even if you have moved outside the United States for a better life, you are required to file taxes.

Foreign residents with tax obligations in the United States make these mistakes:

  1. Thinking that they do not need to file taxes in the United States.
  2. Thinking that they do not need to report income earned outside the United States.
  3. Use regular exclusions and not the benefits to which you are entitled.
  4. Not understanding the exclusion limitations for income earned outside the United States.

Taxpayers must also report virtual currency transactions to the IRS on their tax returns; These transactions are taxable by law just like transactions of any other property.

Among our featured services are:

1. Taxes for American Citizens and Permanent Residents Abroad:

If you are a US citizen or permanent resident of the United States and live abroad you must pay taxes on your Worldwide income – I want to know more

2. Expatriation Taxes:

Sections 877 and 877A of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) apply to U.S. citizens who have renounced their citizenship and to permanent residents who have terminated their resident status in the United States for federal tax purposes.

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3. Tax Information for Foreign Businesses and Foreign Persons with operations in the USA:

Knowing the strategies on how to structure a foreign company operating within the United States can avoid unnecessary tax payments, even if you receive income from e-commerce accounts created in the USA. – I want to know more

4. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act – FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act).

For American Citizens and Permanent Residents of the United States.

You may be required to file certain information reporting forms if you do business in a country other than the United States or if you have:

  • Financial assets in a foreign country
  • Ownership of a foreign company
  • Financial movement of foreign origin.

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5. FINCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network)

Compliance with the agency’s regulations to prevent illicit financial activities.

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6. Corporate Transparency Law (Effective as of January 1, 2024)

The Corporate Transparency Act (or “CTA”) went into effect on January 1, 2024. Thereafter, many U.S. and foreign legal entities operating in the United States will be required to provide information about themselves, its beneficial owners and any company applying for a Treasury Department Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) registration.

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7. Foreign bank accounts and legal tax filing requirements
These taxpayers must complete part III of Annex B to indicate that they have said account, although it is not necessary to indicate the amount it contains.
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Form W-7 - Internal Revenue Service Taxpayer Identification Number.

For US residents who do not meet the requirements for a valid Social Security number. You can also use this form to renew an ITIN that has expired or is about to expire.

The ITIN number is issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and is only for tax purposes. The ITIN does not guarantee you additional benefits from the Government.

Our goal is to simplify the complex world of international taxes, providing tax advice and preparation tailored to your specific needs.

Choose your LLC company to be considered an SCorp for tax purposes and benefit from strategies such as:

-Receive a salary from your own Company
-Strategy to deduct your Health Insurance as part of your salary
-Retirement plan strategies

-Only 401(k)
-Simple IRA
-401(k) & Profit Sharing

– Hire Family Members.
– Employ your minor children in your company.
– Augusta Rule Strategy.
– Foods.

– Foods.
– Prepaid expenses.
– Personal vehicle deduction.

Why choose AC Plaza Tax?

At AC Plaza Tax, we not only comply with the laws, we master them. Our team of experts are highly trained and up to date with the latest regulations, ensuring you receive the best advice possible.

Beyond taxes, we are committed to your long-term financial success. We understand your goals and help you build wealth intelligently, providing you with financial advice that goes beyond tax season.

At AC Plaza Latino Tax, we keep our knowledge updated to offer you precise and strategic solutions, ensuring that you make the most of the opportunities that the tax system offers.

As trusted advisors, we spend time understanding your business and your short- and long-term goals. In this way, we provide personalized strategies tailored specifically to your needs and objectives.

Tax Planning:

Beyond accuracy, we provide accounting services that are strategic and proactive, designed to maximize savings prosecutors.

Comprehensive Financial Advice:

From debt management to retirement planning, we help you make informed financial decisions to ensure your long-term well-being.

We want your company to be profitable:

For companies, we offer comprehensive solutions that range from accounting to tax planning, contributing to business growth and efficiency.

Advice and consultancy:

We offer training and consulting sessions to empower our clients with financial knowledge, allowing them to make more informed decisions about their finances.

Schedule an appointment with us

At AC Plaza Tac, we believe that solid financial advice is the key to building a successful financial future. Whether you are looking for personal or business solutions, we are here to be your trusted partner every step of the way.

Maximize your tax returns!

Build build your financial success with AC Plaza Latino Tax today!
